NEDO hosted a special seminar titled “AI・データ活用最前線 (Latest Trends in AI and Data Analysis).”
NEDO Special Seminar #3
September 7, 2023, 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM PDT
Tatsuo Nakamura
Sayaka Inoue
CEO & Co-founder, DataFalcon Inc.
The strategic utilization of AI and data analysis has become increasingly imperative for company growth. In this special seminar, we invited two professionals in the field of AI and data analysis to offer an opportunity to learn about the latest trends in AI and data analysis.
Tatsuo Nakamura from VALUENEX presented information on trends in US startups that were revealed by analyzing large amounts of patent information, tech news, and other text data. He also discussed the possibilities of uncovering valuable insights by visualizing vast amounts of textual data in today's data-driven age.
Sayaka Inoue from DataFalcon spoke on recent trends in generative AI. She delivered a comprehensive overview of the technology landscape and highlighted the strategic directions of major industry players. Additionally, she introduced several real-world business use cases that leverage generative AI, all gathered through her company's advanced AI software.
We would like to extend a warm thank you to those who joined us.