On April 25, NEDO Silicon Valley hosted a webinar titled “Identifying and Protecting the Most Valuable AI Innovations.” This event was part of the Bay Area CHIZAI (IP) Seminar Series.
Steve Bachmann, President, Bachmann Law Group PC
Patent protection of artificial intelligence (AI) technology is growing rapidly as companies invest millions of dollars to expand AI usage and applications.
According to statistics from patent offices, there is a significant increase in AI patent filings. However, AI inventions can be categorized into several types, such as training data, training process, machine learning model, and machine learning system applications. It is often discussed that considerations may vary depending on the nature of inventions when protecting them as intellectual property.
In this CHIZAI seminar, we had the privilege of hosting Steve Bachmann as our keynote speaker. Drawing from his extensive expertise, Steve delved into the evaluation of AI innovations, considering factors such as patentability and infringement detectability, alignment with company objectives, industry dynamics, and jurisdictions. Additionally, Steve discussed strategies and provided valuable insights, which can serve as helpful hints for the audience to consider when developing their own AI patent strategy.
We would like to express our gratitude to our exceptional speaker and extend warm thanks to all attendees.
We hope to see you at our next event!